Bertha Palmer “Stops by” annual Education Funds Fundraiser

IMG_0647Forty members and guests gathered Nov. 2, 2013, for the branch’s annual Education Funds Fundraiser at Eagle Brook Country Club in Geneva. Our guest of honor was Leslie Goddard, PhD, a full-time public speaker and historian who presents historic women figures. At the luncheon, Dr. Goddard transformed into Bertha Palmer in her homemade, totally authentic costume, down to the button-hook boots and feathered hat, describing the many events that made Mrs. Palmer once of the central figures of her day.

Using many artifacts from history, Dr. Goddard demonstrated Mrs. Palmer’s prominence in Chicago culture, society, and the art scene as well as the rebuilding of the city after the great Chicago fire. She also discussed the building of the Palmer’s mansion, the building and rebuilding of the Palmer House, and the Mrs. Palmer’s role in the 1893 World’s Fair and Exposition.